
Simple Stocking Net Flower


Let's us try to make nylon stocking flower together.This tutorial is a very basic one. No intricate design whatsoever :)

You will need nylon stocking (exclusive for flower making,not to wear!) Either single or dual tone.

I used purple stockings, white stamens, green floral tape and silver wires in this tutorial. The colour can be changed accordingly to your liking.

*Tips : Buy brightly coloured stocking or darker colour.

*Ensure that the wires are not too soft as it cannot retain the shape of the flowers. Most crafts shop sells two type. The softer one is for making dip flowers while the harder one is for stocking flowers. Make sure you buy the correct one! The wires come in gold and silver along with few other colours.

1) First of all, cut the silver wires into 4. Then, make a loop by twisting the end together by using a plier.

*You will need to twist 5 wires to make 5 petals flower

2) Next, carefully wrap the loop with stocking, starting at one end.

The back and front of the petal must be fully covered and stretched before tying it with thread. Do not overstretch it as the stocking can be torn easily.

Repeat the step until all 5 petals are nicely wrapped. Snip off the excess stockings with a pair of sharp scissor.

*Tips : Hold the petal as the picture below. Using your left thumb and ring finger, stretch the excess stocking while cutting it. This way, you'll get a clean cut, and save the stocking a lot.

 There you go, 5 petals ready to be assembled.

*If you wish to make flowers with more petals, like roses, you need to make around 14 petals or more.

Divide the white stamens into 2 by using a floral wire. The amount of stamens used are according to your liking (and budget of course)

Hold the stamens and proceed by adding a petal to it. Tie the petal and the stamens together with thread.

Hold the stamens and proceed by adding a petal to it. Tie the petal and the stamens together with thread.

Then , tidy up the joining point with the floral tape.

There you go, a simple nylon stocking flower

1 Response
  1. mrs erum waheed Says:
