
Fake Food Ice Cream Cone

Tools materials:Sandpaper
Dark brown polymer clay
Light brown polymer clay
Tool with flat edge
Tool with bumpy sides (for the cone detail)

Step-by-step directions for:
Chocolate Ice Cream Cone
1. Make a small ball of brown clay. Roll the ball until its smooth and it is about ½ inch thick.

2. Roll out a small ball of light brown clay.
3. Push one side of the ball onto a hard surface. Create a triangular shape out of the clay. Roll and pinch as needed.

4. Using theX-acto knife, cut off the rounded edges.

5. Roll light brown clay on surface that resembles cone marks

6. Roll brown clay around rough surface. I use sandpaper.

7. Push down on edges of ice cream all the way around.

8. Attach light brown ice cream and dark brown ice cream. 

Attach jewelry rings to make into charms for necklaces, bracelets and earrings.

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